Dr. Ger J. M. Koper is associate professor at DelftChemTech, the chemical engineering department of the Delft University of Technology. He is guest researcher at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry of the Leiden University. His research field is Colloid and Interface Science with emphasis on Aggregation and Adsorption Phenomena. His experimental expertise is in optical ellipsometry and reflectometry, dielectric spectroscopy and electro-optical birefringence. |
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Prof. Peter A. Kralchevsky is working in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia University. His research is in the area of capillary phenomena and interactions in colloidal dispersions with emphasis on theoretical modeling. His expertise is in capillary and surface forces; mechanics and thermodynamics of interfaces and membranes; thin liquid films; stability of dispersions; micellar solutions and solubilization; thermodynamics and kinetics of surfactant adsorption. |
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Prof. Krassimir D. Danov is working in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia University. His research is in the area of physicochemical hydrodynamics and interactions in multiphase systems with emphasis on mathematical modeling. His expertise is in hydrodynamics of liquid films, drops and bubbles; interfacial and bulk rheology of dispersions; hydrodynamic interactions; surface forces; dynamics of adsorption, flocculation and coalescence. |
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Dr. Charles Baroud is associate professor at the Mechanics Department of Ecole Polytechnique. His research is in the area of flows in complex geometries. His expertise is in biomechanics of the human lung; multiphase flows; control of fluid-fluid interfaces by using optical heating; production of nano-droplets and other nano-objects; using microfluidic droplets as bio-reactors; lab-on-a-chip applications; production of 3D micro/nano structures. |
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Prof. Abraham Marmur is working at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel. His research interest cover a broad range of interfacial and colloidal phenomena, in particular wetting, adhesion and capillarity, contact angle theory and measurement, ultra-hydrophobic surfaces, spreading on surfaces: relationship between adhesion and wetting, capillary penetration into porous media, wetting and dispersions of powders; liquid dispersions and emulsion stability. |
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Prof. Nikolai D. Denkov is working in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia University. His research is in the area of fluid dispersions: foams; emulsions; suspensions, and colloid two-dimensional crystallization. His expertise is in the experiment and theory on the formation, stability and rheology of disperse systems; kinetics of interfacial reactions, as well as on the methods for their characterization: thin liquid films, light scattering, electron microscopy, rheometry, etc. |
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Dr. Slavka Tcholakova is associate professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia University. Her research is in colloidal dispersions in both experiment and theoretical modeling. Her expertise is on formation and stability of emulsions; protein adsorption in relation to emulsion stability; surface enzymatic reactions; foam stability and antifoams; rheology of foams and emulsions, and the respective experimental methods. |
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Dr. Ali Zarbakhsh is lecturer in physical chemistry in the School of Biological & Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London. His research is in the field of structural studies on polymeric and biological systems using X-ray and neutron scattering techniques; reflectivity, in-plane diffraction and small angle scattering; vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy, ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy; wetting phenomena; structure and transport properties of membranes. |
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Dr. Henrich Frielinghaus is a scientist at the Institute of Solid State Research, Research Center in Jülich, Germany. He is the SANS group leader at the JCNS. His research is in the fields of microemulsions, nanocomposites and polymer blends. His expertise is in the investigation of structure and dynamics of microemulsions in bulk and near surfaces; the polymer boosting effect in microemulsions; pressure and temperature effects, and critical phenomena in polymer blends. |
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Prof. A. Sezai Saraç is working in the Department of Chemistry of the Istanbul Technical University. His research interests are in the fields of the thin conjugated nanofilms, micro-supercapacitors, modified carbon fibers, biosensor electrodes , electrocopolymerization of heterocyclic systems, electrografting onto carbon fibers; electroinduced polymerization systems; biosensor applications of modifed micron sized carbon fibers for biocompatable implant materials, conductive nanocomposites. |
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Dr. Theodor D. Gurkov is associate professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia University. His research is on capillarity, stability of thin liquid films and colloidal dispersions. His expertise is in mechanics and thermodynamics of interfaces and membranes; interfacial phenomena and adsorption; emulsions and foams stabilized by proteins and polymers; surface rheology and surface forces; hydrodynamics of micro-heterogeneous systems. |
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Dr. Krastanka G. Marinova is associate professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia University. Her research is in the field of liquid interfaces and disperse systems. Her expertise includes experimental techniques for studying kinetics of adsorption and interfacial rheology; thin liquid films; foams and antifoaming action of oil drops and solid particles; development of new experimental devices, including methods for data acquisition and processing. |
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Prof. Hubert Motschmann is working at the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry of the University of Regensburg. His group focuses on understanding the structure and the self-organization of molecules at interfaces and the impact of interfaces on bulk properties of adjacent phases. This knowledge is utilized for the design of novel structures with specific function. His experimental expertise is in the field of linear and nonlinear optical techniques. |
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Dr. Victoria Dutschk is associate professor at the Engineering of Fibrous Smart Materials (EFSM) group, University of Twente. Her research activities are focused on a mechanistic understanding of manifold interfacial phenomena involving surface active agents. Her main research field ‘Interfacial Engineering’ is related to fundamental materials research having strong links with industry, covering adhesion phenomena; surface topography and roughness analysis; interfacial dynamics; wetting and spreading of aqueous surfactant solutions. |
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Dr. Thomas Gutberlet is senior scientist at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH. His research interests are in the field of neutron scattering in biology - techniques and applications. His expertise is in structure and dynamics in biological model membrane systems; structure and interaction of peptides and proteins with biomembranes; self assembly of molecules at interfaces; complex biomimetic structures at fluid and solid-liquid interfaces; and neutron scattering instrumentation. |